Paired UCCD (pUCCD)

class tencirchem.PUCCD(mol: Mole | RHF, init_method: str = 'mp2', active_space: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, aslst: List[int] | None = None, mo_coeff: ndarray | None = None, engine: str | None = None, run_hf: bool = True, run_mp2: bool = True, run_ccsd: bool = True, run_fci: bool = True)[source]

Bases: UCC

Run paired UCC calculation. The interfaces are similar to UCCSD.

__init__(mol: Mole | RHF, init_method: str = 'mp2', active_space: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, aslst: List[int] | None = None, mo_coeff: ndarray | None = None, engine: str | None = None, run_hf: bool = True, run_mp2: bool = True, run_ccsd: bool = True, run_fci: bool = True)[source]

Initialize the class with molecular input.

  • mol (Mole or RHF) – The molecule as PySCF Mole object or the PySCF RHF object

  • init_method (str, optional) – How to determine the initial amplitude guess. Accepts "mp2" (default), "ccsd",``”fe”`` and "zeros".

  • active_space (Tuple[int, int], optional) – Active space approximation. The first integer is the number of electrons and the second integer is the number or spatial-orbitals. Defaults to None.

  • aslst (List[int], optional) –

    Pick orbitals for the active space. Defaults to None which means the orbitals are sorted by energy. The orbital index is 0-based.


    See PySCF document for choosing the active space orbitals. Here orbital index is 0-based, whereas in PySCF by default it is 1-based.

  • mo_coeff (np.ndarray, optional) – Molecule coefficients. If provided then RHF is skipped. Can be used in combination with the init_state attribute. Defaults to None which means RHF orbitals are used.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to run the calculation. See Engines for details.

  • run_hf (bool, optional) – Whether run HF for molecule orbitals. Defaults to True.

  • run_mp2 (bool, optional) – Whether run MP2 for initial guess and energy reference. Defaults to True.

  • run_ccsd (bool, optional) – Whether run CCSD for initial guess and energy reference. Defaults to True.

  • run_fci (bool, optional) – Whether run FCI for energy reference. Defaults to True.

apply_excitation(state: Any, ex_op: Tuple, engine: str | None = None) Any

Apply a given excitation operator to a given state.

  • state (Tensor) – The input state in statevector or CI vector form.

  • ex_op (tuple of ints) – The excitation operator.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


tensor – The resulting tensor.

Return type:



>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> ucc.apply_excitation([1, 0, 0, 0], (3, 1, 0, 2))
array([0, 0, 0, 1])
classmethod as_pyscf_solver(config_function: Callable | None = None, **kwargs)

Converts the UCC class to a PySCF FCI solver.

  • config_function (callable) – A function to configure the UCC instance. Accepts the UCC instance and modifies it inplace before kernel() is called.

  • kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to the __init__() function such as engine.

Return type:



>>> from pyscf.mcscf import CASSCF
>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h8
>>> # normal PySCF workflow
>>> hf = h8.HF()
>>> round(hf.kernel(), 8)
>>> casscf = CASSCF(hf, 2, 2)
>>> # set the FCI solver for CASSCF to be UCCSD
>>> casscf.fcisolver = UCCSD.as_pyscf_solver()
>>> round(casscf.kernel()[0], 8)
ci_strings(strs2addr: bool = False) ndarray

Get the CI bitstrings for all configurations in the CI vector.


strs2addr (bool, optional.) – Whether return the reversed mapping for one spin sector. Defaults to False.


  • cistrings (np.ndarray) – The CI bitstrings.

  • string_addr (np.ndarray) – The address of the string in one spin sector. Returned when strs2addr is set to True.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings()
array([ 5,  6,  9, 10], dtype=uint64)
>>> [f"{bin(i)[2:]:0>4}" for i in uccsd.get_ci_strings()]
['0101', '0110', '1001', '1010']
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings(True)[1]  # only one spin sector
array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=uint64)
civector(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Any

Evaluate the configuration interaction (CI) vector.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


civector – Corresponding CI vector

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.civector([0, 0])  # HF state
array([1., 0., 0., 0.])
property civector_size: int

The size of the CI vector.

property e_puccd

Returns pUCCD energy

property e_ucc: float

Returns UCC energy


Embed CAS RDM into RDM of the whole system

energy(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) float

Evaluate the total energy.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


energy – Total energy

Return type:


See also


Get the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> round([0, 0]), 8)  # HF state
energy_and_grad(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Tuple[float, Any]

Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


  • energy (float) – Total energy

  • grad (Tensor) – The parameter gradients

See also


Get the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> e, g = uccsd.energy_and_grad([0, 0])
>>> round(e, 8)
>>> g  
array([..., ...])
classmethod from_integral(int1e: ndarray, int2e: ndarray, n_elec: int | Tuple[int, int], e_core: float = 0, ovlp: ndarray | None = None, **kwargs)

Construct UCC classes from electron integrals.

  • int1e (np.ndarray) – One-body integral in spatial orbital.

  • int2e (np.ndarray) – Two-body integral, in spatial orbital, chemists’ notation, and without considering symmetry.

  • n_elec (int or tuple) – The number of electrons, or numbers of alpha/beta electrons

  • e_core (float, optional) – The nuclear energy or core energy if active space approximation is involved. Defaults to 0.

  • ovlp (np.ndarray) – The overlap integral. Defaults to None and identity matrix is used.

  • kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to the __init__() function such as engine.


ucc – A UCC instance

Return type:


get_addr(bitstring: str) int

Get the address (index) of a CI bitstring in the CI vector.


bitstring (str) – The bitstring such as "0101".


address – The bitstring address.

Return type:



>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_addr("0101")  # the HF state
>>> uccsd.get_addr("1010")
>>> puccd = PUCCD(h2)
>>> puccd.get_addr("01")  # the HF state
>>> puccd.get_addr("10")
get_ci_strings(strs2addr: bool = False) ndarray

Get the CI bitstrings for all configurations in the CI vector.


strs2addr (bool, optional.) – Whether return the reversed mapping for one spin sector. Defaults to False.


  • cistrings (np.ndarray) – The CI bitstrings.

  • string_addr (np.ndarray) – The address of the string in one spin sector. Returned when strs2addr is set to True.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings()
array([ 5,  6,  9, 10], dtype=uint64)
>>> [f"{bin(i)[2:]:0>4}" for i in uccsd.get_ci_strings()]
['0101', '0110', '1001', '1010']
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings(True)[1]  # only one spin sector
array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=uint64)
get_circuit(params=None, trotter=False, givens_swap=False) Circuit[source]

Get the circuit as TensorCircuit Circuit object.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter. If kernel() is not called before, the initial guess is used.

  • trotter (bool, optional) – Whether Trotterize the UCC factor into Pauli strings. Defaults to False.

  • givens_swap (bool, optional) – Whether return the circuit with Givens-Swap gates.


circuit – The quantum circuit.

Return type:


get_energy_dataframe() DataFrame

Returns energy information dataframe

get_ex1_ops(t1: ndarray | None = None)[source]

Not applicable. Use get_ex_ops().

get_ex2_ops(t2: ndarray | None = None)[source]

Not applicable. Use get_ex_ops().

get_ex_ops(t1: ndarray | None = None, t2: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], List[float]][source]

Get paired excitation operators for pUCCD ansatz.

  • t1 (np.ndarray, optional) – Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.

  • t2 (np.ndarray, optional) – Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.


  • ex_op (List[Tuple]) – The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.

  • param_ids (List[int]) – The mapping from excitations to parameters.

  • init_guess (List[float]) – The initial guess for the parameters.


>>> from tencirchem import PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> puccd = PUCCD(h2)
>>> ex_op, param_ids, init_guess = puccd.get_ex_ops()
>>> ex_op
[(1, 0)]
>>> param_ids
>>> init_guess  
get_excitation_dataframe() DataFrame
get_init_state_dataframe(coeff_epsilon: float = 1e-12) DataFrame

Returns initial state information dataframe.


coeff_epsilon (float, optional) – The threshold to screen out states with small coefficients. Defaults to 1e-12.

Return type:


See also


The circuit initial state before applying the excitation operators.


>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> ucc.init_state = [0.707, 0, 0, 0.707]
>>> ucc.get_init_state_dataframe()   
     configuration  coefficient
0          0101        0.707
1          1010        0.707
get_opt_function(with_time: bool = False) Callable | Tuple[Callable, float]

Returns the cost function in SciPy format for optimization. The gradient is included. Basically a wrapper to energy_and_grad().


with_time (bool, optional) – Whether return staging time. Defaults to False.


  • opt_function (Callable) – The optimization cost function in SciPy format.

  • time (float) – Staging time. Returned when with_time is set to True.

property h_fermion_op: FermionOperator

Hamiltonian as openfermion.FermionOperator

property h_qubit_op: QubitOperator

Hamiltonian as openfermion.QubitOperator, mapped by Jordan-Wigner transformation.

property init_state: Any

The circuit initial state before applying the excitation operators. Usually RHF.

See also


Returns initial state information dataframe.

kernel() float

The kernel to perform the VQE algorithm. The L-BFGS-B method in SciPy is used for optimization and configuration is possible by setting the self.scipy_minimize_options attribute.


e – The optimized energy

Return type:


make_rdm1(statevector=None, basis='AO')[source]

Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM).

\[\textrm{1RDM}[p,q] = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger q_{\beta} \rangle\]

If active space approximation is employed, returns the full RDM of all orbitals.

  • statevector (Tensor, optional) – Custom system state. Could be CI vector or state vector. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized state by civector().

  • basis (str, optional) – One of "AO" or "MO". Defaults to "AO", which is for consistency with PySCF.


rdm1 – The spin-traced one-body RDM.

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM).

make_rdm2(statevector=None, basis='AO')[source]

Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM).

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \textrm{2RDM}[p,q,r,s] & = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\beta} \rangle \\ & \quad + \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\beta} \rangle \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

If active space approximation is employed, returns the full RDM of all orbitals.

  • statevector (Tensor, optional) – Custom system state. Could be CI vector or state vector. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized state by civector().

  • basis (str, optional) – One of "AO" or "MO". Defaults to "AO", which is for consistency with PySCF.


rdm2 – The spin-traced two-body RDM.

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> state = [1, 0, 0, 0]  ## HF state
>>> rdm1 = ucc.make_rdm1(state, basis="MO")
>>> rdm2 = ucc.make_rdm2(state, basis="MO")
>>> e_hf = ucc.int1e.ravel() @ rdm1.ravel() + 1/2 * ucc.int2e.ravel() @ rdm2.ravel()
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(e_hf + ucc.e_nuc, ucc.e_hf, atol=1e-10)
property n_elec_s

The number of electrons for alpha and beta spin

property n_params: int

The number of parameter in the ansatz/circuit.

property no: int

The number of occupied orbitals.

property nv: int

The number of virtual (unoccupied orbitals).

property param_ids: List[int]

The mapping from excitations operators to parameters.

property param_to_ex_ops
property params: Any

The circuit parameters.


Prints the circuit information. If you wish to print the circuit diagram, use get_circuit() and then call draw() such as print(ucc.get_circuit().draw()).

print_summary(include_circuit: bool = False)

Print a summary of the class.


include_circuit (bool) – Whether include the circuit section.

statevector(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Any

Evaluate the circuit state vector.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


statevector – Corresponding state vector

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.statevector([0, 0])  # HF state
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
property statevector_size: int

The size of the statevector.