class tencirchem.UCCSD(mol: Mole | RHF, init_method: str = 'mp2', active_space: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, aslst: List[int] | None = None, mo_coeff: ndarray | None = None, pick_ex2: bool = True, epsilon: float = 1e-12, sort_ex2: bool = True, engine: str | None = None, run_hf: bool = True, run_mp2: bool = True, run_ccsd: bool = True, run_fci: bool = True)[source]

Bases: UCC

Run UCCSD calculation. For a comprehensive tutorial see UCC Functions.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> e_ucc = uccsd.kernel()
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(e_ucc, uccsd.e_fci, atol=1e-10)
>>> e_hf = uccsd.energy(np.zeros(uccsd.n_params))
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(e_hf, uccsd.e_hf, atol=1e-10)
__init__(mol: Mole | RHF, init_method: str = 'mp2', active_space: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, aslst: List[int] | None = None, mo_coeff: ndarray | None = None, pick_ex2: bool = True, epsilon: float = 1e-12, sort_ex2: bool = True, engine: str | None = None, run_hf: bool = True, run_mp2: bool = True, run_ccsd: bool = True, run_fci: bool = True)[source]

Initialize the class with molecular input.

  • mol (Mole or RHF) – The molecule as PySCF Mole object or the PySCF RHF object

  • init_method (str, optional) – How to determine the initial amplitude guess. Accepts "mp2" (default), "ccsd",``”fe”`` and "zeros".

  • active_space (Tuple[int, int], optional) – Active space approximation. The first integer is the number of electrons and the second integer is the number or spatial-orbitals. Defaults to None.

  • aslst (List[int], optional) –

    Pick orbitals for the active space. Defaults to None which means the orbitals are sorted by energy. The orbital index is 0-based.


    See PySCF document for choosing the active space orbitals. Here orbital index is 0-based, whereas in PySCF by default it is 1-based.

  • mo_coeff (np.ndarray, optional) – Molecule coefficients. If provided then RHF is skipped. Can be used in combination with the init_state attribute. Defaults to None which means RHF orbitals are used.

  • pick_ex2 (bool, optional) – Whether screen out two body excitations based on the inital guess amplitude. Defaults to True, which means excitations with amplitude less than epsilon (see below) are discarded. The argument will be set to False if initial guesses are set to zero.

  • epsilon (float, optional) – The threshold to discard two body excitations. Defaults to 1e-12.

  • sort_ex2 (bool, optional) – Whether sort two-body excitations in the ansatz based on the initial guess amplitude. Large excitations come first. Defaults to True. Note this could lead to different ansatz for the same molecule at different geometry. The argument will be set to False if initial guesses are set to zero.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to run the calculation. See Engines for details.

  • run_hf (bool, optional) – Whether run HF for molecule orbitals. Defaults to True.

  • run_mp2 (bool, optional) – Whether run MP2 for initial guess and energy reference. Defaults to True.

  • run_ccsd (bool, optional) – Whether run CCSD for initial guess and energy reference. Defaults to True.

  • run_fci (bool, optional) – Whether run FCI for energy reference. Defaults to True.

apply_excitation(state: Any, ex_op: Tuple, engine: str | None = None) Any

Apply a given excitation operator to a given state.

  • state (Tensor) – The input state in statevector or CI vector form.

  • ex_op (tuple of ints) – The excitation operator.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


tensor – The resulting tensor.

Return type:



>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> ucc.apply_excitation([1, 0, 0, 0], (3, 1, 0, 2))
array([0, 0, 0, 1])
classmethod as_pyscf_solver(config_function: Callable | None = None, **kwargs)

Converts the UCC class to a PySCF FCI solver.

  • config_function (callable) – A function to configure the UCC instance. Accepts the UCC instance and modifies it inplace before kernel() is called.

  • kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to the __init__() function such as engine.

Return type:



>>> from pyscf.mcscf import CASSCF
>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h8
>>> # normal PySCF workflow
>>> hf = h8.HF()
>>> round(hf.kernel(), 8)
>>> casscf = CASSCF(hf, 2, 2)
>>> # set the FCI solver for CASSCF to be UCCSD
>>> casscf.fcisolver = UCCSD.as_pyscf_solver()
>>> round(casscf.kernel()[0], 8)
ci_strings(strs2addr: bool = False) ndarray

Get the CI bitstrings for all configurations in the CI vector.


strs2addr (bool, optional.) – Whether return the reversed mapping for one spin sector. Defaults to False.


  • cistrings (np.ndarray) – The CI bitstrings.

  • string_addr (np.ndarray) – The address of the string in one spin sector. Returned when strs2addr is set to True.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings()
array([ 5,  6,  9, 10], dtype=uint64)
>>> [f"{bin(i)[2:]:0>4}" for i in uccsd.get_ci_strings()]
['0101', '0110', '1001', '1010']
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings(True)[1]  # only one spin sector
array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=uint64)
civector(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Any

Evaluate the configuration interaction (CI) vector.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


civector – Corresponding CI vector

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.civector([0, 0])  # HF state
array([1., 0., 0., 0.])
property civector_size: int

The size of the CI vector.

property e_ucc: float

Returns UCC energy

property e_uccsd: float

Returns UCCSD energy


Embed CAS RDM into RDM of the whole system

energy(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) float

Evaluate the total energy.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


energy – Total energy

Return type:


See also


Get the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> round(uccsd.energy([0, 0]), 8)  # HF state
energy_and_grad(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Tuple[float, Any]

Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


  • energy (float) – Total energy

  • grad (Tensor) – The parameter gradients

See also


Get the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the circuit state vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> e, g = uccsd.energy_and_grad([0, 0])
>>> round(e, 8)
>>> g  
array([..., ...])
classmethod from_integral(int1e: ndarray, int2e: ndarray, n_elec: int | Tuple[int, int], e_core: float = 0, ovlp: ndarray | None = None, **kwargs)

Construct UCC classes from electron integrals.

  • int1e (np.ndarray) – One-body integral in spatial orbital.

  • int2e (np.ndarray) – Two-body integral, in spatial orbital, chemists’ notation, and without considering symmetry.

  • n_elec (int or tuple) – The number of electrons, or numbers of alpha/beta electrons

  • e_core (float, optional) – The nuclear energy or core energy if active space approximation is involved. Defaults to 0.

  • ovlp (np.ndarray) – The overlap integral. Defaults to None and identity matrix is used.

  • kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to the __init__() function such as engine.


ucc – A UCC instance

Return type:


get_addr(bitstring: str) int

Get the address (index) of a CI bitstring in the CI vector.


bitstring (str) – The bitstring such as "0101".


address – The bitstring address.

Return type:



>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_addr("0101")  # the HF state
>>> uccsd.get_addr("1010")
>>> puccd = PUCCD(h2)
>>> puccd.get_addr("01")  # the HF state
>>> puccd.get_addr("10")
get_ci_strings(strs2addr: bool = False) ndarray

Get the CI bitstrings for all configurations in the CI vector.


strs2addr (bool, optional.) – Whether return the reversed mapping for one spin sector. Defaults to False.


  • cistrings (np.ndarray) – The CI bitstrings.

  • string_addr (np.ndarray) – The address of the string in one spin sector. Returned when strs2addr is set to True.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD, PUCCD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings()
array([ 5,  6,  9, 10], dtype=uint64)
>>> [f"{bin(i)[2:]:0>4}" for i in uccsd.get_ci_strings()]
['0101', '0110', '1001', '1010']
>>> uccsd.get_ci_strings(True)[1]  # only one spin sector
array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=uint64)
get_circuit(params: Any | None = None, decompose_multicontrol: bool = False, trotter: bool = False) Circuit

Get the circuit as TensorCircuit Circuit object

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter. If kernel() is not called before, the initial guess is used.

  • decompose_multicontrol (bool, optional) – Whether decompose the Multicontrol gate in the circuit into CNOT gates. Defaults to False.

  • trotter (bool, optional) – Whether Trotterize the UCC factor into Pauli strings. Defaults to False.


circuit – The quantum circuit.

Return type:


get_energy_dataframe() DataFrame

Returns energy information dataframe

get_ex1_ops(t1: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], List[float]]

Get one-body excitation operators.


t1 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial one-body amplitudes based on e.g. CCSD


  • ex_op (List[Tuple]) – The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.

  • param_ids (List[int]) – The mapping from excitations to parameters.

  • init_guess (List[float]) – The initial guess for the parameters.

See also


Get two-body excitation operators.


Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for UCCSD ansatz.

get_ex2_ops(t2: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], List[float]]

Get two-body excitation operators.


t2 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial two-body amplitudes based on e.g. MP2


  • ex_op (List[Tuple]) – The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.

  • param_ids (List[int]) – The mapping from excitations to parameters.

  • init_guess (List[float]) – The initial guess for the parameters.

See also


Get one-body excitation operators.


Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for UCCSD ansatz.

get_ex_ops(t1: ndarray | None = None, t2: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], List[float]][source]

Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for UCCSD ansatz. Pick and sort two-body operators if self.pick_ex2 and self.sort_ex2 are set to True.

  • t1 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial one-body amplitudes based on e.g. CCSD

  • t2 (np.ndarray, optional) – Initial two-body amplitudes based on e.g. MP2


  • ex_op (List[Tuple]) – The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.

  • param_ids (List[int]) – The mapping from excitations to parameters.

  • init_guess (List[float]) – The initial guess for the parameters.

See also


Get one-body excitation operators.


Get two-body excitation operators.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> ex_op, param_ids, init_guess = uccsd.get_ex_ops()
>>> ex_op
[(3, 2), (1, 0), (1, 3, 2, 0)]
>>> param_ids
[0, 0, 1]
>>> init_guess  
[0.0, ...]
get_excitation_dataframe() DataFrame
get_init_state_dataframe(coeff_epsilon: float = 1e-12) DataFrame

Returns initial state information dataframe.


coeff_epsilon (float, optional) – The threshold to screen out states with small coefficients. Defaults to 1e-12.

Return type:


See also


The circuit initial state before applying the excitation operators.


>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> ucc.init_state = [0.707, 0, 0, 0.707]
>>> ucc.get_init_state_dataframe()   
     configuration  coefficient
0          0101        0.707
1          1010        0.707
get_opt_function(with_time: bool = False) Callable | Tuple[Callable, float]

Returns the cost function in SciPy format for optimization. The gradient is included. Basically a wrapper to energy_and_grad().


with_time (bool, optional) – Whether return staging time. Defaults to False.


  • opt_function (Callable) – The optimization cost function in SciPy format.

  • time (float) – Staging time. Returned when with_time is set to True.

property h_fermion_op: FermionOperator

Hamiltonian as openfermion.FermionOperator

property h_qubit_op: QubitOperator

Hamiltonian as openfermion.QubitOperator, mapped by Jordan-Wigner transformation.

property init_state: Any

The circuit initial state before applying the excitation operators. Usually RHF.

See also


Returns initial state information dataframe.

kernel() float

The kernel to perform the VQE algorithm. The L-BFGS-B method in SciPy is used for optimization and configuration is possible by setting the self.scipy_minimize_options attribute.


e – The optimized energy

Return type:


make_rdm1(statevector: Any | None = None, basis: str = 'AO') ndarray

Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM).

\[\textrm{1RDM}[p,q] = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger q_{\beta} \rangle\]

If active space approximation is employed, returns the full RDM of all orbitals.

  • statevector (Tensor, optional) – Custom system state. Could be CI vector or state vector. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized state by civector().

  • basis (str, optional) – One of "AO" or "MO". Defaults to "AO", which is for consistency with PySCF.


rdm1 – The spin-traced one-body RDM.

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM).

make_rdm2(statevector: Any | None = None, basis: str = 'AO') ndarray

Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM).

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \textrm{2RDM}[p,q,r,s] & = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\beta} \rangle \\ & \quad + \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\beta} \rangle \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

If active space approximation is employed, returns the full RDM of all orbitals.

  • statevector (Tensor, optional) – Custom system state. Could be CI vector or state vector. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized state by civector().

  • basis (str, optional) – One of "AO" or "MO". Defaults to "AO", which is for consistency with PySCF.


rdm2 – The spin-traced two-body RDM.

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tencirchem import UCC
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> ucc = UCC(h2)
>>> state = [1, 0, 0, 0]  ## HF state
>>> rdm1 = ucc.make_rdm1(state, basis="MO")
>>> rdm2 = ucc.make_rdm2(state, basis="MO")
>>> e_hf = ucc.int1e.ravel() @ rdm1.ravel() + 1/2 * ucc.int2e.ravel() @ rdm2.ravel()
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(e_hf + ucc.e_nuc, ucc.e_hf, atol=1e-10)
property n_elec_s

The number of electrons for alpha and beta spin

property n_params: int

The number of parameter in the ansatz/circuit.

property no: int

The number of occupied orbitals.

property nv: int

The number of virtual (unoccupied orbitals).

property param_ids: List[int]

The mapping from excitations operators to parameters.

property param_to_ex_ops
property params: Any

The circuit parameters.

pick_and_sort(ex_ops, param_ids, init_guess, do_pick=True, do_sort=True)[source]

Prints the circuit information. If you wish to print the circuit diagram, use get_circuit() and then call draw() such as print(ucc.get_circuit().draw()).

print_summary(include_circuit: bool = False)

Print a summary of the class.


include_circuit (bool) – Whether include the circuit section.

statevector(params: Any | None = None, engine: str | None = None) Any

Evaluate the circuit state vector.

  • params (Tensor, optional) – The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and kernel() must be called before.

  • engine (str, optional) – The engine to use. Defaults to None, which uses self.engine.


statevector – Corresponding state vector

Return type:


See also


Evaluate the configuration interaction (CI) vector.


Evaluate the total energy.


Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients.


>>> from tencirchem import UCCSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> uccsd = UCCSD(h2)
>>> uccsd.statevector([0, 0])  # HF state
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
property statevector_size: int

The size of the statevector.