Source code for tencirchem.static.hea

#  Copyright (c) 2023. The TenCirChem Developers. All Rights Reserved.
#  This file is distributed under ACADEMIC PUBLIC LICENSE
#  and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the LICENSE file for details.

import logging
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from time import time
from typing import Callable, Union, Any, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from noisyopt import minimizeSPSA
from pyscf.gto.mole import Mole
from openfermion import (
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
import tensorcircuit as tc
from tensorcircuit import Circuit, DMCircuit
from tensorcircuit.noisemodel import NoiseConf, circuit_with_noise

from tencirchem.static.engine_hea import (
from tencirchem.static.hamiltonian import get_hop_from_integral
from tencirchem.utils.misc import reverse_fop_idx, scipy_opt_wrap, reverse_qop_idx
from tencirchem.utils.circuit import get_circuit_dataframe

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

Tensor = Any

def get_noise_conf(probability=0.02):
    noise_conf = NoiseConf()
    # note TC definition of error probability
    channel = tc.channels.isotropicdepolarizingchannel(probability, 2)

    def condition(qir):
        return len(qir["index"]) == 2

    noise_conf.add_noise_by_condition(condition, channel)
    return noise_conf

[docs] def binary(fermion_operator: FermionOperator, n_modes: int, n_elec: int) -> QubitOperator: """ Performs binary transformation. Parameters ---------- fermion_operator: FermionOperator The fermion operator. n_modes: int The number of modes. n_elec: int The number of electrons. Returns ------- qubit_operator: QubitOperator """ return binary_code_transform(fermion_operator, 2 * checksum_code(n_modes // 2, (n_elec // 2) % 2))
def _parity(fermion_operator, n_modes): return binary_code_transform(fermion_operator, parity_code(n_modes))
[docs] def parity(fermion_operator: FermionOperator, n_modes: int, n_elec: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) -> QubitOperator: """ Performs parity transformation and saves 2 qubits assuming electron number conservation in each spin sector. For example, ``011011`` is first transformed to ``010010`` and then ``0101``. ``110100`` is transformed to ``100111`` and then `1011`. Parameters ---------- fermion_operator: FermionOperator The fermion operator. n_modes: int The number of modes (spin-orbitals). n_elec: int or tuple The number of electrons, or numbers of alpha/beta electrons Returns ------- qubit_operator: QubitOperator """ qubit_operator = _parity(reverse_fop_idx(fermion_operator, n_modes), n_modes) res = 0 assert n_modes % 2 == 0 reduction_indices = [n_modes // 2 - 1, n_modes - 1] if isinstance(n_elec, int): if n_elec % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Specify alpha and beta spin as a tuple when the total number or electron is not even") n_elec_s = [n_elec // 2, n_elec // 2] else: n_elec_s = n_elec phase_alpha = (-1) ** n_elec_s[0] phase_beta = (-1) ** sum(n_elec_s) for qop in qubit_operator: # qop example: 0.5 [Z1 X2 X3] pauli_string, coeff = next(iter(qop.terms.items())) # pauli_string example: ((1, 'Z'), (2, 'X'), (3, 'X')) # coeff example: 0.5 new_pauli_string = [] for idx, symbol in pauli_string: is_alpha = idx <= reduction_indices[0] if idx in reduction_indices: if symbol in ["X", "Y"]: # discard this term because the bit will never change continue else: assert symbol == "Z" if is_alpha: coeff *= phase_alpha else: coeff *= phase_beta continue if not is_alpha: idx -= 1 new_pauli_string.append((idx, symbol)) qop.terms = {tuple(new_pauli_string): coeff} res += qop return res
def fop_to_qop(fop: FermionOperator, mapping: str, n_sorb: int, n_elec: int) -> QubitOperator: if mapping == "parity": qop = parity(fop, n_sorb, n_elec) elif mapping in ["jordan-wigner", "jordan_wigner"]: qop = reverse_qop_idx(jordan_wigner(fop), n_sorb) elif mapping in ["bravyi-kitaev", "bravyi_kitaev"]: qop = reverse_qop_idx(bravyi_kitaev(fop, n_sorb), n_sorb) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mapping: {mapping}") return qop
[docs] def get_ry_circuit(params: Tensor, n_qubits: int, n_layers: int) -> Circuit: """ Get the parameterized :math:`R_y` circuit. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor The circuit parameters. n_qubits: int The number of qubits. n_layers: int The number of layers in the ansatz. Returns ------- c: Circuit """ c = Circuit(n_qubits) params = params.reshape(n_layers + 1, n_qubits) for i in range(n_qubits): c.ry(i, theta=params[0, i]) c.barrier_instruction(*range(n_qubits)) for l in range(n_layers): for i in range(n_qubits - 1): c.cnot(i, (i + 1)) for i in range(n_qubits): c.ry(i, theta=params[l + 1, i]) c.barrier_instruction(*range(n_qubits)) return c
[docs] class HEA: """ Run hardware-efficient ansatz calculation. For a comprehensive tutorial see :doc:`/tutorial_jupyter/noisy_simulation`. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_molecule(cls, m: Mole, active_space=None, n_layers=3, mapping="parity", **kwargs): """ Construct the HEA class from the given molecule. The :math:`R_y` ansatz is employed. By default, the number of layers is set to 3. Parameters ---------- m: Mole The molecule object. active_space: Tuple[int, int], optional Active space approximation. The first integer is the number of electrons and the second integer is the number or spatial-orbitals. Defaults to None. n_layers: int The number of layers in the :math:`R_y` ansatz. Defaults to 3. mapping: str The fermion to qubit mapping. Supported mappings are ``"parity"``, and ``"bravyi-kitaev"``. kwargs: Other arguments to be passed to the :func:`__init__` function such as ``engine``. Returns ------- hea: :class:`HEA` An HEA instance """ from tencirchem import UCC if m.spin == 0: init_method = "mp2" else: init_method = "zeros" ucc = UCC(m, init_method=init_method, active_space=active_space, run_ccsd=False, run_fci=False) return cls.ry(ucc.int1e, ucc.int2e, ucc.n_elec_s, ucc.e_core, n_layers=n_layers, mapping=mapping, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def ry( cls, int1e: np.ndarray, int2e: np.ndarray, n_elec: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], e_core: float, n_layers: int, init_circuit: Circuit = None, mapping: str = "parity", **kwargs, ): r""" Construct the HEA class from electron integrals and the :math:`R_y` ansatz. The circuit consists of interleaved layers of $R_y$ and CNOT gates .. math:: |\Psi(\theta)\rangle=\prod_{l=k}^1\left [ L_{R_y}^{(l)}(\theta) L_{CNOT}^{(l)} \right ] L_{R_y}^{(0)}(\theta) |{\phi}\rangle where $k$ is the total number of layers, and the layers are defined as .. math:: L_{CNOT}^{(l)}=\prod_{j=N/2-1}^1 CNOT_{2j, 2j+1} \prod_{j=N/2}^{1} CNOT_{2j-1, 2j} .. math:: L_{R_y}^{(l)}(\theta)=\prod_{j=N}^{1} RY_{j}(\theta_{lj}) Overlap integral is assumed to be identity. Parity transformation is used to transform from fermion operators to qubit operators by default. Parameters ---------- int1e: np.ndarray One-body integral in spatial orbital. int2e: np.ndarray Two-body integral, in spatial orbital, chemists' notation, and without considering symmetry. n_elec: int or tuple The number of electrons, or numbers of alpha/beta electrons e_core: float The nuclear energy or core energy if active space approximation is involved. n_layers: int The number of layers in the ansatz. init_circuit: Circuit The initial circuit before the :math:`R_y` ansatz. Defaults to None. mapping: str The fermion to qubit mapping. Supported mappings are ``"parity"``, and ``"bravyi-kitaev"``. kwargs: Other arguments to be passed to the :func:`__init__` function such as ``engine``. Returns ------- hea: :class:`HEA` An HEA instance """ n_sorb = 2 * len(int1e) if mapping == "parity": n_qubits = n_sorb - 2 elif mapping in ["jordan-wigner", "jordan_wigner", "bravyi-kitaev", "bravyi_kitaev"]: n_qubits = n_sorb else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mapping: {mapping}") init_guess = np.random.random((n_layers + 1, n_qubits)).ravel() def get_circuit(params): if init_circuit is None: c = Circuit(n_qubits) else: c = Circuit.from_qir(init_circuit.to_qir(), init_circuit.circuit_param) return c.append(get_ry_circuit(params, n_qubits, n_layers)) instance = cls.from_integral(int1e, int2e, n_elec, e_core, mapping, get_circuit, init_guess, **kwargs) instance.mapping = mapping return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_integral( cls, int1e: np.ndarray, int2e: np.ndarray, n_elec: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], e_core: float, mapping: str, circuit: Union[Callable, QuantumCircuit], init_guess: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ): """ Construct the HEA class from electron integrals and custom quantum circuit. Overlap integral is assumed to be identity. Parameters ---------- int1e: np.ndarray One-body integral in spatial orbital. int2e: np.ndarray Two-body integral, in spatial orbital, chemists' notation, and without considering symmetry. n_elec: int or tuple The number of electrons, or numbers of alpha/beta electrons e_core: float The nuclear energy or core energy if active space approximation is involved. mapping: str The fermion to qubit mapping. Supported mappings are ``"parity"``, and ``"bravyi-kitaev"``. circuit: Callable or QuantumCircuit The ansatz as a function or Qiskit :class:`QuantumCircuit` init_guess: list of float or :class:`np.ndarray` The parameter initial guess. kwargs: Other arguments to be passed to the :func:`__init__` function such as ``engine``. Returns ------- hea: :class:`HEA` An HEA instance """ if isinstance(n_elec, tuple): n_elec_s = n_elec n_elec = sum(n_elec) spin = abs(n_elec_s[0] - n_elec_s[1]) else: if n_elec % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Specify alpha and beta spin as a tuple when the total number or electron is not even") n_elec_s = (n_elec // 2, n_elec // 2) spin = 0 hop = get_hop_from_integral(int1e, int2e) + e_core n_sorb = 2 * len(int1e) h_qubit_op = fop_to_qop(hop, mapping, n_sorb, n_elec_s) instance = cls(h_qubit_op, circuit, init_guess, **kwargs) instance.mapping = mapping instance.int1e = int1e instance.int2e = int2e instance.n_elec = n_elec instance.spin = spin instance.e_core = e_core instance.hop = hop return instance
[docs] @classmethod def as_pyscf_solver(cls, config_function: Callable = None, opt_engine: str = None, **kwargs): """ Converts the ``HEA`` class to a PySCF FCI solver using :math:`R_y` ansatz. Parameters ---------- config_function: callable A function to configure the ``HEA`` instance. Accepts the ``HEA`` instance and modifies it inplace before :func:`kernel` is called. opt_engine: str The engine to use when performing the circuit parameter optimization. kwargs Other arguments to be passed to the :func:`__init__` function such as ``engine``. Returns ------- FCISolver Examples -------- >>> from pyscf.mcscf import CASSCF >>> from tencirchem import HEA >>> from tencirchem.molecule import h8 >>> # normal PySCF workflow >>> hf = h8.HF() >>> round(hf.kernel(), 6) -4.149619 >>> casscf = CASSCF(hf, 2, 2) >>> # set the FCI solver for CASSCF to be HEA >>> casscf.fcisolver = HEA.as_pyscf_solver(n_layers=1) >>> round(casscf.kernel()[0], 6) -4.166473 """ class FakeFCISolver: def __init__(self): self.instance: HEA = None self.config_function = config_function self.instance_kwargs = kwargs.copy() if "n_layers" not in self.instance_kwargs: self.instance_kwargs["n_layers"] = 1 def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, ecore=0, **kwargs): self.instance = cls.ry(h1, h2, nelec, e_core=ecore, **self.instance_kwargs) if self.config_function is not None: self.config_function(self.instance) if opt_engine is None: e = self.instance.kernel() else: engine_bak = self.instance.engine self.instance.engine = opt_engine self.instance.kernel() self.instance.engine = engine_bak e = return e, self.instance.params def make_rdm1(self, params, norb, nelec): rdm1 = self.instance.make_rdm1(params) return rdm1 def make_rdm12(self, params, norb, nelec): rdm1 = self.instance.make_rdm1(params) rdm2 = self.instance.make_rdm2(params) return rdm1, rdm2 def spin_square(self, params, norb, nelec): return 0, 1 return FakeFCISolver()
[docs] def __init__( self, h_qubit_op: QubitOperator, circuit: Union[Callable, QuantumCircuit], init_guess: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], engine: str = None, engine_conf: [NoiseConf, QpuConf] = None, ): """ Construct the HEA class from Hamiltonian in :class:`QubitOperator` form and the ansatz. Parameters ---------- h_qubit_op: QubitOperator Hamiltonian as openfermion :class:`QubitOperator`. circuit: Callable or QuantumCircuit The ansatz as a function or Qiskit :class:`QuantumCircuit` init_guess: list of float or :class:`np.ndarray` The parameter initial guess. engine: str, optional The engine to run the calculation. See :ref:`advanced:Engines` for details. Defaults to ``"tensornetwork"``. engine_conf: NoiseConf, optional The noise configuration for the circuit. Defaults to None, in which case if a noisy engine is used, an isotropic depolarizing error channel for all 2-qubit gates with :math:`p=0.02` is added to the circuit. """ self._check_engine(engine) if engine is None: engine = "tensornetwork" if engine == "tensornetwork" and engine_conf is not None: raise ValueError("Tensornetwork engine does not have engine configuration") if engine_conf is None: if engine.startswith("tensornetwork-noise"): engine_conf = get_noise_conf() if engine.startswith("qpu"): engine_conf = QpuConf() init_guess = np.array(init_guess) # convert to real coefficients and prevent complex energy expectation outcome self.h_qubit_op = QubitOperator() for k, v in h_qubit_op.terms.items(): if not np.iscomplex(v): v = v.real self.h_qubit_op.terms[k] = v if isinstance(circuit, Callable): self.get_circuit = circuit # sanity check c: Circuit = self.get_circuit(init_guess) if isinstance(c, DMCircuit): raise TypeError("`circuit` function should return Circuit instead of DMCircuit") self.n_qubits = c.circuit_param["nqubits"] elif isinstance(circuit, QuantumCircuit): def get_circuit(params): return Circuit.from_qiskit(circuit, binding_params=params) self.get_circuit = get_circuit assert circuit.num_parameters == len(init_guess) self.n_qubits = circuit.num_qubits else: raise TypeError("circuit must be callable or qiskit QuantumCircuit") self.h_array = np.array(get_sparse_operator(self.h_qubit_op, self.n_qubits).todense()) if init_guess.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Init guess should be one-dimensional. Got shape {init_guess}") self.init_guess = init_guess self.engine = engine self.engine_conf = engine_conf self.shots = 4096 self._grad = "param-shift" self.scipy_minimize_options = None self._params = None self.opt_res = None # allow setting these attributes for features such as calculating RDM # could make it a function for customized mapping self.mapping: str = None # fermion-to-qubit mapping self.int1e = None self.int2e = None self.n_elec = None self.spin = None self.e_core = None self.hop = None
[docs] def get_dmcircuit(self, params: Tensor = None, noise_conf: NoiseConf = None) -> DMCircuit: """ Get the :class:`DMCircuit` with noise. Only valid for ``"tensornetwork-noise"`` and ``"tensornetwork-noise&shot"`` engines. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. noise_conf: NoiseConf, optional The noise configuration for the circuit. Defaults to None, in which case ``self.engine_conf`` is used. Returns ------- dmcircuit: DMCircuit """ params = self._check_params_argument(params) dmcircuit = self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise(params) if noise_conf is None: assert self.engine.startswith("tensornetwork-noise") noise_conf = self.engine_conf dmcircuit = circuit_with_noise(dmcircuit, noise_conf) return dmcircuit
[docs] def get_dmcircuit_no_noise(self, params: Tensor = None) -> DMCircuit: """ Get the :class:`DMCircuit` without noise. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. Returns ------- dmcircuit: DMCircuit """ qir = self.get_circuit(params).to_qir() dmcircuit = DMCircuit.from_qir(qir) return dmcircuit
def _check_engine(self, engine): supported_engine = [ None, "tensornetwork", "tensornetwork-noise", "tensornetwork-shot", "tensornetwork-noise&shot", "qpu", ] if not engine in supported_engine: raise ValueError(f"Engine '{engine}' not supported") def _check_params_argument(self, params, strict=True): if params is None: if self.params is not None: params = self.params else: if strict: raise ValueError("Run the `.kernel` method to determine the parameters first") else: if self.init_guess is not None: params = self.init_guess else: params = np.zeros(self.n_params) if len(params) != self.n_params: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible parameter shape. {self.n_params} is desired. Got {len(params)}") return tc.backend.convert_to_tensor(params).astype(tc.rdtypestr)
[docs] def statevector(self, params: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: """ Evaluate the circuit state vector without considering noise. Valid for ``"tensornetwork"`` and ``"tensornetwork-shot"`` engine. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. Returns ------- statevector: Tensor Corresponding state vector See Also -------- densitymatrix: Evaluate the circuit density matrix in the presence of circuit noise. energy: Evaluate the total energy. energy_and_grad: Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from tencirchem import UCC, HEA >>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2 >>> ucc = UCC(h2) >>> hea = HEA.ry(ucc.int1e, ucc.int2e, ucc.n_elec, ucc.e_core, n_layers=1) >>> np.round(hea.statevector([0, np.pi, 0, 0]), 8) # HF state array([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) """ # Evaluate the circuit state vector without noise. # only engine is "tensornetwork" params = self._check_params_argument(params) statevector = get_statevector(params, self.get_circuit) return statevector
[docs] def densitymatrix(self, params: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: """ Evaluate the circuit density matrix in the presence of circuit noise. Only valid for ``"tensornetwork-noise"`` and ``"tensornetwork-noise&shot"`` engines. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. Returns ------- densitymatrix: Tensor See Also -------- statevector: Evaluate the circuit state vector. energy: Evaluate the total energy. energy_and_grad: Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from tencirchem import UCC, HEA >>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2 >>> ucc = UCC(h2) >>> hea = HEA.ry(ucc.int1e, ucc.int2e, ucc.n_elec, ucc.e_core, ... n_layers=1, engine="tensornetwork-noise") >>> np.round(hea.densitymatrix([0, np.pi, 0, 0]), 8) # HF state with noise array([[0.00533333+0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j], [0. +0.j, 0.984 +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j], [0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0.00533333+0.j, 0. +0.j], [0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0.00533333+0.j]]) """ # engines are "tensornetwork-noise" and "tensornetwork-noise&shot" params = self._check_params_argument(params) # the last two arguments should be identical and not garbage collected for each call for `jit` to work densitymatrix = get_densitymatrix(params, self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise, self.engine_conf) return densitymatrix
[docs] def energy(self, params: Tensor = None, engine: str = None) -> float: """ Evaluate the total energy. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. engine: str, optional The engine to use. Defaults to ``None``, which uses ``self.engine``. Returns ------- energy: float Total energy See Also -------- statevector: Evaluate the circuit state vector. densitymatrix: Evaluate the circuit density matrix in the presence of circuit noise. energy_and_grad: Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from tencirchem import UCC, HEA >>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2 >>> ucc = UCC(h2) >>> hea = HEA.ry(ucc.int1e, ucc.int2e, ucc.n_elec, ucc.e_core, ... n_layers=1, engine="tensornetwork-noise") >>> # HF state, no noise >>> round([0, np.pi, 0, 0], "tensornetwork"), 8) -1.11670614 >>> # HF state, gate noise >>> round([0, np.pi, 0, 0], "tensornetwork-noise"), 4) -1.1001 >>> # HF state, measurement noise. Set the number of shots by `hea.shots` >>> round([0, np.pi, 0, 0], "tensornetwork-shot"), 1) -1.1 >>> # HF state, gate+measurement noise >>>[0, np.pi, 0, 0], "tensornetwork-noise&shot") # doctest:+ELLIPSIS -1... """ params = self._check_params_argument(params) if engine is None: engine = self.engine if engine == "tensornetwork": e = get_energy_tensornetwork(params, self.h_array, self.get_circuit) elif engine == "tensornetwork-noise": e = get_energy_tensornetwork_noise(params, self.h_array, self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise, self.engine_conf) elif engine == "tensornetwork-shot": e = get_energy_tensornetwork_shot( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_circuit, self.shots, ) elif engine == "tensornetwork-noise&shot": e = get_energy_tensornetwork_noise_shot( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise, self.engine_conf, self.shots, ) else: assert engine == "qpu" e = get_energy_qpu( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_circuit, self.engine_conf, self.shots, ) return e
[docs] def energy_and_grad(self, params: Tensor = None, engine: str = None, grad: str = None) -> Tuple[float, Tensor]: """ Evaluate the total energy and parameter gradients using parameter-shift rule. Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. engine: str, optional The engine to use. Defaults to ``None``, which uses ``self.engine``. grad: str, optional The algorithm to use for the gradient. Defaults to ``None``, which means ``self.grad`` will be used. Possible options are ``"param-shift"`` for parameter-shift rule and ``"autodiff"`` for auto-differentiation. Note that ``"autodiff"`` is not compatible with ``"tensornetwork-shot"`` and ``"tensornetwork-noise&shot"`` engine. Returns ------- energy: float Total energy grad: Tensor The parameter gradients See Also -------- statevector: Evaluate the circuit state vector. densitymatrix: Evaluate the circuit density matrix in the presence of circuit noise. energy: Evaluate the total energy. """ params = self._check_params_argument(params) if engine is None: engine = self.engine if grad is None: grad = self.grad if grad == "free": raise ValueError("Must provide a gradient algorithm") if engine == "tensornetwork": e, grad_array = get_energy_and_grad_tensornetwork(params, self.h_array, self.get_circuit, grad) elif engine == "tensornetwork-noise": e, grad_array = get_energy_and_grad_tensornetwork_noise( params, self.h_array, self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise, self.engine_conf, grad ) elif engine == "tensornetwork-shot": if grad == "autodiff": raise ValueError(f"Engine {engine} is incompatible with grad method {grad}") e, grad_array = get_energy_and_grad_tensornetwork_shot( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_circuit, self.shots, grad, ) elif engine == "tensornetwork-noise&shot": if grad == "autodiff": raise ValueError(f"Engine {engine} is incompatible with grad method {grad}") e, grad_array = get_energy_and_grad_tensornetwork_noise_shot( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_dmcircuit_no_noise, self.engine_conf, self.shots, grad, ) else: assert engine == "qpu" if grad == "autodiff": raise ValueError(f"Engine {engine} is incompatible with grad method {grad}") e, grad_array = get_energy_and_grad_qpu( params, tuple(self.h_qubit_op.terms.keys()), list(self.h_qubit_op.terms.values()), self.get_circuit, self.shots, grad, ) return e, grad_array
[docs] def kernel(self):"Begin optimization") func, stating_time = self.get_opt_function(with_time=True) time1 = time() if self.grad == "free": if self.engine in ["tensornetwork", "tensornetwork-noise", "qpu"]: opt_res = minimize(func, x0=self.init_guess, method="COBYLA", options=self.scipy_minimize_options) else: assert self.engine in ["tensornetwork-shot", "tensornetwork-noise&shot"] opt_res = minimizeSPSA(func, x0=self.init_guess, paired=False, niter=100, disp=True) else: opt_res = minimize( func, x0=self.init_guess, jac=True, method="L-BFGS-B", options=self.scipy_minimize_options ) time2 = time() if not opt_res.success: logger.warning("Optimization failed. See `.opt_res` for details.") opt_res["staging_time"] = stating_time opt_res["opt_time"] = time2 - time1 opt_res["init_guess"] = self.init_guess opt_res["e"] = float( self.opt_res = opt_res # prepare for future modification self.params = opt_res.x.copy() return opt_res.e
[docs] def get_opt_function(self, grad: str = None, with_time: bool = False) -> Union[Callable, Tuple[Callable, float]]: """ Returns the cost function in SciPy format for optimization. Basically a wrapper to :func:`energy_and_grad` or :func:`energy`, Parameters ---------- with_time: bool, optional Whether return staging time. Defaults to False. grad: str, optional The algorithm to use for the gradient. Defaults to ``None``, which means ``self.grad`` will be used. Possible options are ``"param-shift"`` for parameter-shift rule and ``"autodiff"`` for auto-differentiation. Note that ``"autodiff"`` is not compatible with ``"tensornetwork-noise&shot"`` engine. Returns ------- opt_function: Callable The optimization cost function in SciPy format. time: float Staging time. Returned when ``with_time`` is set to ``True``. """ if grad is None: grad = self.grad if grad != "free": func = scipy_opt_wrap(partial(self.energy_and_grad, engine=self.engine)) else: func = scipy_opt_wrap(partial(, engine=self.engine), gradient=False) time1 = time() if == "jax":"JIT compiling the circuit") _ = func(np.zeros(self.n_params))"Circuit JIT compiled") time2 = time() if with_time: return func, time2 - time1 return func
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, params: Tensor = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM). .. math:: \textrm{1RDM}[p,q] = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger q_{\beta} \rangle Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. Returns ------- rdm1: np.ndarray The spin-traced one-body RDM. See Also -------- make_rdm2: Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM). """ if params is None: params = self._check_params_argument(params) if self.mapping is None: raise ValueError("Must first set the fermion-to-qubit mapping") if self.mapping == "parity": n_sorb = self.n_qubits + 2 else: n_sorb = self.n_qubits n_orb = n_sorb // 2 rdm1 = np.zeros([n_orb] * 2) # assuming closed shell # could optimize for tn engine by caching the statevector or dm for i in range(n_orb): for j in range(i + 1): fop = FermionOperator(f"{i}^ {j}") fop = fop + hermitian_conjugated(fop) qop = fop_to_qop(fop, self.mapping, n_sorb, self.n_elec) hea = HEA(qop, self.get_circuit, params, self.engine, self.engine_conf) # for spin orbital RDM v = / 2 # spatial orbital RDM rdm1[i, j] = rdm1[j, i] = 2 * v return rdm1
[docs] def make_rdm2(self, params: Tensor = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Evaluate the spin-traced two-body reduced density matrix (2RDM). .. math:: \begin{aligned} \textrm{2RDM}[p,q,r,s] & = \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\alpha}^\dagger s_{\alpha} q_{\beta} \rangle \\ & \quad + \langle p_{\alpha}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\alpha} \rangle + \langle p_{\beta}^\dagger r_{\beta}^\dagger s_{\beta} q_{\beta} \rangle \end{aligned} Parameters ---------- params: Tensor, optional The circuit parameters. Defaults to None, which uses the optimized parameter and :func:`kernel` must be called before. Returns ------- rdm2: np.ndarray The spin-traced two-body RDM. See Also -------- make_rdm1: Evaluate the spin-traced one-body reduced density matrix (1RDM). """ if params is None: params = self._check_params_argument(params) if self.mapping is None: raise ValueError("Must first set the fermion-to-qubit mapping") if self.mapping == "parity": n_sorb = self.n_qubits + 2 else: n_sorb = self.n_qubits n_orb = n_sorb // 2 rdm2 = np.zeros([n_orb] * 4) calculated_indices = set() # a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s # possible spins: aaaa, abba, baab, bbbb for p, q, r, s in product(range(n_orb), repeat=4): if (p, q, r, s) in calculated_indices: continue # aaaa is the same as bbbb, abba is the same as baab fop_aaaa = FermionOperator(f"{p}^ {q}^ {r} {s}") fop_abba = FermionOperator(f"{p}^ {q+n_orb}^ {r+n_orb} {s}") fop = fop_aaaa + fop_abba fop = fop + hermitian_conjugated(fop) qop = fop_to_qop(fop, self.mapping, n_sorb, self.n_elec) hea = HEA(qop, self.get_circuit, params, self.engine, self.engine_conf) # for spin RDM v = / 2 indices = [(p, q, r, s), (s, r, q, p), (q, p, s, r), (r, s, p, q)] for idx in indices: # 2* for spatial RDM rdm2[idx] = 2 * v calculated_indices.add(idx) # transpose to PySCF notation: rdm2[p,q,r,s] = <p^+ r^+ s q> rdm2 = rdm2.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) return rdm2
[docs] def print_circuit(self): c = self.get_circuit(self.init_guess) df = get_circuit_dataframe(c) def format_flop(f): return f"{f:.3e}" formatters = {"flop": format_flop} print(df.to_string(index=True, formatters=formatters))
[docs] def print_summary(self): print("############################### Circuit ###############################") self.print_circuit() print("######################### Optimization Result #########################") if self.opt_res is None: print("Optimization not run yet") else: print(self.opt_res)
@property def grad(self): return self._grad @grad.setter def grad(self, v): if not v in ["param-shift", "autodiff", "free"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid gradient method {v}") self._grad = v @property def n_elec_s(self): """The number of electrons for alpha and beta spin""" return (self.n_elec + self.spin) // 2, (self.n_elec - self.spin) // 2 @property def n_params(self): """The number of parameter in the ansatz/circuit.""" return len(self.init_guess) @property def params(self): """The circuit parameters.""" if self._params is not None: return self._params if self.opt_res is not None: return self.opt_res.x return None @params.setter def params(self, params): self._params = params