# Copyright (c) 2023. The TenCirChem Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# This file is distributed under ACADEMIC PUBLIC LICENSE
# and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the LICENSE file for details.
from time import time
import logging
from typing import Tuple, List, Union
import numpy as np
from pyscf.gto.mole import Mole
from pyscf.scf import RHF
from tencirchem.static.ucc import UCC
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Run :math:`k`-UpCCGSD calculation.
The interfaces are similar to :class:`UCCSD <tencirchem.UCCSD>`.
def __init__(
mol: Union[Mole, RHF],
active_space: Tuple[int, int] = None,
aslst: List[int] = None,
mo_coeff: np.ndarray = None,
k: int = 3,
n_tries: int = 1,
engine: str = None,
run_hf: bool = True,
run_mp2: bool = True,
run_ccsd: bool = True,
run_fci: bool = True,
Initialize the class with molecular input.
mol: Mole or RHF
The molecule as PySCF ``Mole`` object or the PySCF ``RHF`` object
active_space: Tuple[int, int], optional
Active space approximation. The first integer is the number of electrons and the second integer is
the number or spatial-orbitals. Defaults to None.
aslst: List[int], optional
Pick orbitals for the active space. Defaults to None which means the orbitals are sorted by energy.
The orbital index is 0-based.
.. note::
See `PySCF document <https://pyscf.org/user/mcscf.html#picking-an-active-space>`_
for choosing the active space orbitals. Here orbital index is 0-based, whereas in PySCF by default it
is 1-based.
mo_coeff: np.ndarray, optional
Molecule coefficients. If provided then RHF is skipped.
Can be used in combination with the ``init_state`` attribute.
Defaults to None which means RHF orbitals are used.
k: int, optional
The number of layers in the ansatz. Defaults to 3
n_tries: int, optional
The number of different initial points used for VQE calculation.
For large circuits usually a lot of runs are required for good accuracy.
Defaults to 1.
engine: str, optional
The engine to run the calculation. See :ref:`advanced:Engines` for details.
run_hf: bool, optional
Whether run HF for molecule orbitals. Defaults to ``True``.
run_mp2: bool, optional
Whether run MP2 for energy reference. Defaults to ``True``.
run_ccsd: bool, optional
Whether run CCSD for energy reference. Defaults to ``True``.
run_fci: bool, optional
Whether run FCI for energy reference. Defaults to ``True``.
See Also
# the number of layers
self.k = k
# the number of different initialization
self.n_tries = n_tries
self.ex_ops, self.param_ids, self.init_guess = self.get_ex_ops(self.t1, self.t2)
self.init_guess_list = [self.init_guess]
for _ in range(self.n_tries - 1):
self.init_guess_list.append(np.random.rand(self.n_params) - 0.5)
self.e_tries_list = []
self.opt_res_list = []
self.staging_time = self.opt_time = None
def kernel(self):
_, stating_time = self.get_opt_function(with_time=True)
time1 = time()
for i in range(self.n_tries):
logger.info(f"k-UpCCGSD try {i}")
if self.n_tries == 1:
if not np.allclose(self.init_guess, self.init_guess_list[0]):
logger.info("Inconsistent `self.init_guess` and `self.init_guess_list`. Use `self.init_guess`.")
self.init_guess = self.init_guess_list[i]
logger.info(f"k-UpCCGSD try {i} energy {self.opt_res.fun}")
self.opt_res_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.fun)
self.e_tries_list = [float(res.fun) for res in self.opt_res_list]
time2 = time()
self.staging_time = stating_time
self.opt_time = time2 - time1
self.opt_res = self.opt_res_list[0]
self.opt_res.e_tries = self.e_tries_list
if not self.opt_res.success:
logger.warning("Optimization failed. See `.opt_res` for details.")
self.init_guess = self.opt_res.init_guess
return float(self.opt_res.e)
def get_ex_ops(self, t1: np.ndarray = None, t2: np.ndarray = None) -> Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], np.ndarray]:
Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for :math:`k`-UpCCGSD ansatz.
The excitations are generalized and two-body excitations are restricted to paired ones.
Initial guesses are generated randomly.
t1: np.ndarray, optional
Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.
t2: np.ndarray, optional
Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.
ex_op: List[Tuple]
The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.
param_ids: List[int]
The mapping from excitations to parameters.
init_guess: np.ndarray
The initial guess for the parameters.
See Also
get_ex1_ops: Get generalized one-body excitation operators.
get_ex2_ops: Get generalized paired two-body excitation operators.
>>> from tencirchem import KUPCCGSD
>>> from tencirchem.molecule import h2
>>> kupccgsd = KUPCCGSD(h2)
>>> ex_op, param_ids, init_guess = kupccgsd.get_ex_ops()
>>> ex_op
[(1, 3, 2, 0), (3, 2), (1, 0), (1, 3, 2, 0), (3, 2), (1, 0), (1, 3, 2, 0), (3, 2), (1, 0)]
>>> param_ids
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]
>>> init_guess # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
ex1_ops, ex1_param_id, _ = self.get_ex1_ops()
ex2_ops, ex2_param_id, _ = self.get_ex2_ops()
ex_op = []
param_ids = [-1]
for _ in range(self.k):
ex_op.extend(ex2_ops + ex1_ops)
param_ids.extend([i + param_ids[-1] + 1 for i in ex2_param_id])
param_ids.extend([i + param_ids[-1] + 1 for i in ex1_param_id])
init_guess = np.random.rand(max(param_ids) + 1) - 0.5
return ex_op, param_ids[1:], init_guess
def get_ex1_ops(self, t1: np.ndarray = None) -> Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], np.ndarray]:
Get generalized one-body excitation operators.
t1: np.ndarray, optional
Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.
ex_op: List[Tuple]
The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.
param_ids: List[int]
The mapping from excitations to parameters.
init_guess: np.ndarray
The initial guess for the parameters.
See Also
get_ex2_ops: Get generalized paired two-body excitation operators.
get_ex_ops: Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for :math:`k`-UpCCGSD ansatz.
assert t1 is None
no, nv = self.no, self.nv
ex1_ops = []
ex1_param_id = [-1]
for a in range(no + nv):
for i in range(a):
# alpha to alpha
ex_op_a = (no + nv + a, no + nv + i)
# beta to beta
ex_op_b = (a, i)
ex1_ops.extend([ex_op_a, ex_op_b])
ex1_param_id.extend([ex1_param_id[-1] + 1] * 2)
ex1_init_guess = np.zeros(max(ex1_param_id) + 1)
return ex1_ops, ex1_param_id[1:], ex1_init_guess
def get_ex2_ops(self, t2: np.ndarray = None) -> Tuple[List[Tuple], List[int], np.ndarray]:
Get generalized paired two-body excitation operators.
t2: np.ndarray, optional
Not used. Kept for consistency with the parent method.
ex_op: List[Tuple]
The excitation operators. Each operator is represented by a tuple of ints.
param_ids: List[int]
The mapping from excitations to parameters.
init_guess: np.ndarray
The initial guess for the parameters.
See Also
get_ex1_ops: Get one-body excitation operators.
get_ex_ops: Get one-body and two-body excitation operators for :math:`k`-UpCCGSD ansatz.
assert t2 is None
no, nv = self.no, self.nv
ex2_ops = []
ex2_param_id = [-1]
for a in range(no + nv):
for i in range(a):
# i correspond to a and j correspond to b, as in PySCF convention
# otherwise the t2 amplitude has incorrect phase
# paired
ex_op_ab = (a, no + nv + a, no + nv + i, i)
ex2_param_id.append(ex2_param_id[-1] + 1)
ex2_init_guess = np.zeros(max(ex2_param_id) + 1)
return ex2_ops, ex2_param_id[1:], ex2_init_guess
def e_kupccgsd(self):
Returns :math:`k`-UpCCGSD energy
return self.energy()